Tuesday, 29 December 2009
Happy New Year
Tuesday, 17 November 2009
Tuesday, 15 September 2009
This much I know
The resilience of the human spirit never ceases to amaze me, and should never be underestimated. The human race is at its most capable with its back against the wall.
Life is a great leveller shit happens to us all, how we deal with it, is what truly sets us apart and defines our characters.
Good health is seriously underrated and truly priceless. It is the greatest gift.
You can’t choose your family and your friends are the family you choose to choose, no one ever asks would your family choose you.
There are no problems without solutions; it’s just that we may not always like the solution.
Sunday is my day, nothing beats an early morning walk to get the papers, sausages fried in a cast iron frying pan, followed by a late lazy Sunday lunch, a good wine and great company.
Family trumps money any day what’s the point in having it if you are lonely. I would be nothing without mine.
I’m a photographer because no two days are ever the same and I get to indulge my eccentricity.
Fashion should be boundless at the very frontier of our imagination, I never understood it when a good friend of mine said that she “would bleed for fashion” until I touched haute couture. It was a true epiphany that’s what fashion should do; elevate you.
The human body is the single best example of engineering genius.
My biggest flaw is thinking that everyone wants to be happy; I can’t stand to see suffering. I find it hard to accept that there are some people who are at their happiest when they can be unhappy victims of circumstance who don’t have to take responsibility for their own lives. As I get older I get more tolerant of it.
I hope I have given you something to think about.
Love, Life & Loyalty.
O x
‘Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond imagination. It is our light more than our darkness, which scares us. We ask ourselves – who are we to be brilliant, beautiful, talented, and fabulous. But honestly, who are you to not be so?
It is not in some of us, it is in all of us. While we allow our light to shine, we unconsciously give permission for others to do the same. When we liberate ourselves from our own fears, simply our presence may liberate others.’
- Marianne Williamson in Return to Love: Reflections on a Course in Miracles